Summer Fun

I know I haven’t been writing on here as often lately, and it’s because we’ve been having too much fun enjoying the summertime to spend it all on the computer. (Not a bad thing at all, I might add!)

My son, Ethan; turned 5 on Tuesday.
I feel like I’m finally a “real” mom! I don’t know why but in my mind, I’ve crossed over the threshold of “newbie” mom into “seasoned” mom now that I have a “big” 5 year old. πŸ™‚ I guess it’s because we’ve survived the baby and toddler years! Not that the school years are easier, they just are different. More sleep. Hopefully.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of his birthday party:

E and his construction birthday cake
Dinner time!

“A Monster truck!!”
Some best friends: brothers Owen, Ehren and of course, our Eliana

Ethan’s first look at his Buzz Lightyear. (Thanks, Nana!!)
 Owen, Ehren , Ethan and Eden

Feeling blessed. πŸ™‚

And here are a few pictures of other things we’ve been doing this summer:

E got a slip n slide for his birthday too- they play on it almost every morning.
Ellie LOVES it-last year she was terrified of water, so I’m thankful she likes it now. πŸ™‚
Baking Soda +vinegar+food coloring=awesome fizzy fun!

Seriously. The kids will sit for about an hour and dump drops of colored vinegar onto plates of baking soda.
They did it til we ran out of vinegar this morning.
It’s pretty cool!
Great “it’s too hot to be outside” activity.

I love Eliana’s face here. πŸ™‚

Ethan found a little tiny snake outside in the bricks this morning!

Sorry that picture was blurry, my camera was having trouble focusing on the right thing. πŸ™‚

It wasn’t any bigger than a worm, in fact that’s what I thought it was til I saw it’s head with little eyes and it’s cute little tongue. 

We’ve been having a great summer so far.

Around here, school starts on August 6th, so summer is almost over!  I can’t believe it!

Of course, we’re homeschooling Ethan, so we can somewhat set our own schedule.  We’ll be starting school a little bit later, then going later next spring than the city schools do.
I’m excited and kind of scared to start homeschooling him, but I know that my mom did a great job homeschooling us, so as long as I stick with the program, my kids should turn out just fine! πŸ™‚

I hope you all enjoy what is left of your summertime!
See you tomorrow with Food Waste Friday – I have a somewhat embarrassing confession to make on that subject.

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