

I’m Becca Swan.

Thanks for stopping by!



Here’s a bit about me and my family:

I’m married to my wonderful hubby, Tim and have three sweet, mischievous yet adorable children. Ethan is 7, Eliana is almost 5 and Olivia is almost 6 months old.

We love Jesus.  Without Him and His forgiveness and love and endless grace, we would be lost. We enjoy camping and bonfires and fishing and being outside. We like fixing up stuff. We chose to homeschool our kiddos and we love being able to teach them hands on stuff and take them on awesome field trips instead of having to sit still all day in a class.

I love to cook from scratch, using local fresh ingredients whenever possible. I’m a crunchy mama. I love coffee and oatmeal raisin cookies, especially at the same time. I hate wearing socks  and getting my hands sticky. We would love to have land someday where we can raise chickens, heritage Berkshire hogs and some other critters but for now are just doing what we can with what we have. We have a few chickens at my parent’s house and enjoy watching them scratch around and be happy. (the chickens, not my parents!Hehe!)

I hope you enjoy following our adventures!

You can contact me at beswan59@gmail.com

Or, follow me on Pinterest!

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