Natural Home and Body Care

In the past few months, I’ve really wanted to start living more chemical-free and began making toiletry products for my family. This is a list of links to the posts of what I’ve done so far, and I’ll add more as we ease into completely commercial product-free hygiene habits.

I am not a doctor, or anything health-professional related, so if you re-create these recipes or methods, there’s no guarantee it will work the same for you. It’s just what we have found as a family works for us, and I hope it can help you to live a healthier, more natural life. Feel free to tweak the recipes using your favorite scents or oils.

Natural Home Cleaners

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Orange Vinegar Multi- Purpose Cleaner

Natural Body Care

Re-mineralizing Tooth Powder 

Homemade Body Wash

Simple Homemade Tooth Powder

Baking Soda Face Scrub

Homemade Deodorant

Avocado Lemon Conditioner

Face Wash

Breakfast Face Mask

Herbal Remedies

Rosemary Tea For Headaches

Natural Cough and Cold Remedies for Kids and Adults

Honey And Cinnamon for Colds

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