Black and White

I’ve got a few things in the works for content for this week but none of it is ready yet, so I thought I’d show you some pictures we took using my camera’s black and white/gritty film feature.

I hope you have a great Memorial Day!!




Handsome Hubby 🙂


Picnic with the kids.


My Sweet Ethan


Adventurous Eliana


Fingers. Eliana took this picture! Pretty good for a 3 year old.





Eliana getting kisses from our dog, Lucy.

Spring Is Coming!!

This morning the sky is gray and cloudy, and it’s still somewhat chilly


stepping outside onto the front porch, I hear birds singing.
Spring is coming.

There are daffodil shoots coming up in the backyard,


The heather is blooming like crazy.


Something else springing up from the ground, pushing its way through the black soil.


Gorgeous white flowers are blooming along the front of the house-

they look nondescript from the top, but get down on their level and….

Oh my goodness. God is so awesome.


The pussy willow tree is budding, as are several other little bushes around the yard.


I’m so excited for everything to burst into green and color and for baby cows to appear in the field next door!

We had sunshine this past week, and it was 60 degrees!

The kids and my mother and I spent a lot of the day outside, pruning overgrown bushes and cleaning up; getting ready for new growth. The sun had warmth. It was wonderful!!  More days just like that are coming. And I’m welcoming them with open arms. 🙂


My three-year old, Eliana took this picture. Amazing!

Our Life in Pictures

Hey, everyone!
It’s been a bit since I did an informative post, mostly because I’ve been pretty busy lately, but hopefully later this week I’ll have something to share . For now, here are some pictures of my beautiful everyday life:

My dad brought home a bunch of branches from a tree job he did, and this is how he and my brother (in the excavator) got them out of the back of the truck. Pretty smart, I think! It sure was cool to watch!

My dad brought home a bunch of branches from a tree job he did, and this is how he and my brother (in the excavator) got them out of the back of the truck. Pretty smart, I think! It sure was cool to watch!

My current knitting project: a scarf for my mama. I hope I get it done before it gets too warm to wear it!

My current knitting project: a scarf for my mama. I hope I get it done before it gets too warm to wear it!

Eliana and I made cookies Saturday morning while Hubby and Ethan were at a men's breakfast.
Eliana and I made cookies Saturday morning while Hubby and Ethan were at a men’s breakfast.

Cookies! (my mom actually made these ones)

Cookies! (my mom actually made these ones)

Yes, we have an indoor clothesline. Because we have lots of wool clothing. And it rains so much we always have things to hang up to dry!

Yes, we have an indoor clothesline. Because we have lots of wool clothing. And it rains so much we always have things to hang up to dry!


My to-do list today. I can cross off "blog post" now! :)

My to-do list today. I can cross off “blog post” now! 🙂

Books from the library. We go about once a week, and the kids love it!

Books from the library. We go about once a week, and the kids love it!

My fabric stash. I can't wait to make something from that fabric on the top! Don't know what I"m going to make yet though.

My fabric stash. I can’t wait to make something from that fabric on the top! Don’t know what I”m going to make yet though.

Oranges and grapefruit are on sale right now. They're a little bit of sunshine in the rainy days!

Oranges and grapefruit are on sale right now. They’re a little bit of sunshine in the rainy days!

We had  a lovely weekend full of bonfires, pruning bushes, easy dinners and lots of sitting by the fire reading. I hope you have a great week!!

Springtime Fun

Its been so pretty outside lately, we’ve been spending a lot of time enjoying the beautiful weather and playing in the back yard. I thought I’d share a few pictures from our adventures!

I’ve been working on my photography lately, trying to get better shots of my sweet ones and whatever else I can capture and I think things are improving. (Hooray!)

Here are a few pictures of my sweet family:

At Caney Creek in Arkansas
Eliana “climbing” the tree in our backyard.
My contemplative little man.
Taking her shoes off..

Our first family row boat adventure

Brownie batter is so yummy!

On our trip to Arkansas for Hubby’s birthday

Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend! 🙂


I got a new camera yesterday, and I thought I’d show you some photos I took with it.
I’m so excited! It is really a lot of fun to take pretty pictures.
They are SO MUCH CLEARER than my old camera (an inexpensive point and shoot) that we got right before Eliana was born. I am thankful we had a camera at all, and it’s served it’s purpose well. Now the kids get to make it theirs and learn how to take pictures on their own. They think its super cool. 🙂

Here are a few I took with my new Olympus PEN E-PL1 on just the regular auto focus setting. I love the natural lighting on this one of Eliana’s face. She’s eating something here, I think.



My new camera has “art” settings that make for cool effects.

Here are some pictures taken with the pinhole effect:

There is also a “grainy film” effect, which is really cool in some settings:

What our living room looks like after a trip to the library and when I don’t fold laundry. 😉

laundry in it’s favorite place: on the clothesline.

There is also a soft sepia effect, which is nice.

This is behind our neighbor’s garage.

I think my favorite so far though, is the close up Macro setting, because I love to take pictures of flowers and this makes them look so clear!

Our first Daffodil of the season!

Little snowdrops are about to sprout up.

This flower is actually tiny- I zoomed way in on it and it was still super clear. Love it!

I’m having so much fun with this camera! Please bear with me as I probably will share more pictures than I usually do, while I have a good time figuring out all of the settings. 🙂

It’s amazing what a difference a quality piece of equipment makes. Now I just have to get a bigger case to carry it in, because the one that came with it won’t fit the extra 40-150mm lens.
Anybody have any suggestions on a good camera bag?